Weight Loss
Your Journey to a Healthier You Starts Here
Our weight loss program utilizes cutting-edge techniques to help you achieve your goals. We offer semaglutide injections, which have been proven effective in aiding weight loss. Our professionals will work closely with you to create a personalized plan that fits your specific needs, preferences, and lifestyle.
What are we offering?
We believe that everyone deserves access to safe, effective, and affordable weight loss treatments. That’s why we are proud to offer semaglutide weight loss injections to our patients. If you have been struggling with weight loss and have been unable to get the results you want, contact us today to learn more.
Who's Eligible?
Patient's with BMI >27 with one co-morbidity or BMI > 30 without any pre-existing medical conditions
Cannot be pregnant or breastfeeding and women of childbearing age will require a pregnancy test prior
Cannot have any medical conditions that will disqualify them from this medication including thyroid cancer , gallbladder conditions, renal failure, pancreatic insufficiency
Will require lab testing prior to initiation of medication including CBC, CMP, cholesterol, LFTs, thyroid, etc)
Dietary Counseling
We are passionate about promoting healthy living through proper nutrition. We understand that everyone's nutritional needs are different, which is why we offer personalized dietary counseling services to all our patients that are provided by our medical providers. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and start your journey to optimal health!